Helpful Hints about your appointment:

  1. We strive to stay on time and stick to the schedule:
    1. In order to do that, we ask that you arrive to your appointment on time. If your appointment is for 3:00, we would like to have you in the treatment room and ready to go at 3:00.  Please arrive a little early if need be.  When you are late, that affects not only the amount of time we have to spend with you, but also affects every patient that comes after you.  We understand that issues arise, but if and when they do – please call us and let us know. 
  1. If you are 10 minutes late or more for your appointment, we will likely need to reschedule:
    1. All of our treatment is one-on one care and as such, when you are 10 minutes late or more, we cannot provide you with adequate care. If there is an appointment opening later in that day, we might be able to accommodate you, but often we are fully booked and cannot alter the schedule for all the other patients we see that day.
  1. Please call us if you are running late or need to cancel/reschedule:
    1. We usually have a wait list of patients who are in pain waiting for appointments. When someone does not show up to their appointment or cancels at the last minute, we lose valuable time to help others in pain.  Please give us 24 hours’ notice when cancelling or rescheduling to avoid the missed appointment fee.
    2. The first late cancellation or missed appointment with the doctor is $50. With a massage appointment, the fee is 50% of cost of the visit. Any late cancellation or missed appointment with either the doctor or a massage therapist after that is equivalent to 100% of the cost of the visit.
  1. Please wear comfortable LOOSE FITTING clothing to your appointment:
    1. Particularly on your first visit. We will do a full assessment of the area of complaint and other that involves looking at joints above and below the region of pain. If you are dealing with a lower body injury, loose fitting shorts are ideal.  For women, if there is a shoulder or upper back/neck issue then a camisole or tank top is ideal.  If you forget these items – don’t worry.  We have plenty of shorts and gowns in the office for you.  We just want you to be as prepared and comfortable as possible.

What to Expect During Your New Patient Appointment